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  • 연락처
  • E-mail
  • 교수연구실
    경영관 L403호
  • 최종 학력
    Ph.D., MIT, Sloan School of Management
  • 세부 연구분야
    Organizational Behavior
  • 학사학위 과정
    BA: Seoul National University, Department of Business Administration
  • 석사학위 과정
    MBA: University of Chicago
  • 박사학위 과정
    Ph.D., MIT, Sloan School of Management
  • 담당 과목
    Organizational Behavior
  • 경력
    • 2013 : 한국인사조직학회 회장
    • 2011-2013 : 경영학 연구 편집위원장
    • 2008-2010 : 한국경영학회 부회장
    • 2007-2009 : 동국대학교 경영대학장, 경영전문대학원장
  • 연구업적
    Peer Reviewed Journal (Peer reviewed journal articles):

    김승용, 이병철, 김기흥 (2013) "임파워링 리더십이 구성원의 지식 공유와 내재적 동기 부여에 미치는 영향 : 상사 신뢰 매개를 중심으로", 지식,경영 연구 14-2, 89-115

    김기흥, 이병철, 김승용 (2012) "자기 희생적 리더십이 부하의 자기 희생 의무감 지각과 조직 몰입에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구", 경영학 연구, 41-6, 1471-1500

    Lee,ByeongCheol, Lee, Kyungmook, and Yiyoung Jeon (2012) "Human Resource Management in the Era of Korean Unification: Present and the Future", Korean Business Review, 16-2

    Lee, Sangchul, Lee, ByeongCheol & Yoo, Kwangho (2010), "A Case Study of Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System:Lessons and Implications from Dongguk University", Korean Accounting Journal, 19-3, 221-256

    Kim, SangRae and ByeongCheol Lee (2007), "The effect of team conflict on organizational learning and performance," Economy & Management Review, 30-2, 75-107 .

    Nam, HakHyun and ByeongCheol Lee (2007), " The effect of social motive on procedural justice and emotion during the negotiation," Economy & Management Review, 30-1 35-58

    Lee, ByeongCheol and YoungSoo Kim (2006), "The case study of SK Telecom preparing for the future of digital convergence," The Korean Journal of Industrial Education, 12, 1-19..

    Lee, ByeongCheol and Sukkyu Lee (2005), "The success story of TTL; In search of another differentiation," Management Education Review, 9(1), 139-167...

    Books (Scholarly books):

    Kim, YoungKon and ByeongCheol Lee (2005), What makes the success of SK Telecom in Korean Mobile Industry, 21st Century Books

    Lee, ByeongCheol, Sukho, Sunwoo, Joongho, Ahn, Jongsuk, Yeh, Yongwook, Jun (2002), The Role of CEO for the Low Growth Environment, Maeil Economic Newspaper

    Lee, ByeongCheol, Seungmin, Yoo, Sukho, Sunwoo, Joongho, Ahn, Yongjoon, Kim, Yongwook, Jun (2000), The Future Management of the 21st Century, Kimyoungsa

    Lee, ByeongCheol and YoungMyun, Lee (2000), "Daehan Corporation, in Managing Human Resources
    in the 21st Century, Edited by E. Kossek & R. Block, South-Western Publishing.

    Whang, Ilchung, Sichun, Koh, Byungjoo, Cho, Namjoo, Lee, Byungtae, Yoo and ByeongCheol, Lee (2000), The Future Directions of Korean Management Education in the 21st Century, Korean Academic Association of Business Administration. "

    Peer Reviewed Paper Presentations(Peer reviewed presentations at academic meetings)

    Lee, ByeongCheol and Lee, Kyungmook (2010) "Future Agenda of HRM in the Era of Korean Unification" Proceedings of the Korean Academic Society of Business Administration Summer Annual Conference

    Nam, HakHyun and ByeongCheol Lee (2008), "The effect of pro-social motive on the integrated negotiation, " Proceedings of the Korean Academy of Management Spring Annual Conference.

    Kim, SeungYong, James Van Scatter, and ByeongCheol Lee, (2004), "What can managers do more to encourage contextual performance," Proceedings of the Southern Management Association Annual Meeting.

    Lee, ByeongCheol and DoHak, Kim (2004), "A study of managerial performances of project organizations in the movie industry," Proceedings of the Korean Association of Personnel Administration Spring Annual Conference.

    Lee, ByeongCheol (2002), "The person-organization fit to person-job fit: The changes of selection practices." The International Conference of the Korean Academy of Management.
  • 연락처
  • E-mail
  • 교수연구실
    경영관 L410호
  • 최종 학력
    1992 미네소타(Minnesota)대학교 대학원 산업관계학(노사관계/인적자원관리)과 졸업 (Ph.D. in Industrial Relations) (Advisor: Mario F. Bognanno)
  • 세부 연구분야
    노사관계, 인사관리, 윤리경영, 갈등관리 등
  • 학사학위 과정
    1984 연세대학교 상경대학 경영학과 졸업 (경영학사)
  • 석사학위 과정
    1986 서울대학교 대학원 경영학과 졸업 (경영학석사)
  • 박사학위 과정
    1992 미네소타(Minnesota)대학교 대학원 산업관계학(노사관계/인적자원관리)과 졸업 (Ph.D. in Industrial Relations) (Advisor: Mario F. Bognanno)
  • 담당 과목
    고용관계론, 윤리경영
  • 경력
    ○ 교내 주요 경력
    2023. 3. 1. ~ 현재 동국대학교 일반대학원장
    2013.9 - 2015.5 동국대학교 경영전문대학원장 겸 경영대학장
    2011.3 - 2013.8 동국대학교 경영관리실장
    2009.1 - 2011.2 동국대학교 전략기획본부장
    2005.4 - 현재 동국대학교 경영대학 경영학과 교수
    1994.3 - 2005.3 동국대학교 경영대학 경영학과 전임강사, 조교수, 부교수

    ○ 주요 경력
    2018.5- (현) 한국인사조직학회 회장
    2017.7- (현) 한국고용노사관계학회 부회장 (총 3회)
    2017.3- (현) 한국경영학회 학회장이사(2년 연임)
    2016.5-2017.12 한국윤리경영학회 회장
    2015.6-2017.5 한국고용노사관계학회 부회장 (2년 연임)
    2015.3-2017.2 한국경영학회 부회장 (2년 연임)
    2015.3-2017.2 한국인적자원개발학회 부회장 (2년 연임)
    2014.7-2017.12 한국인사관리학회 부회장 (4년 연임)

    ○ 전문영역관련 주요 경력
    2017.3 - (현) 고용노동부산하 한국기술자격검정원 비상임이사
    2017.1 - (현) 고용노동부산하 공공기관 잡월드 비상임이사
    2016.3 - (현) 롯데건설 사외이사
    2011.9 - (현) 중앙노동위원회 공익위원
    2015 - 2019.7(현) 행정자치부 공무원 노사문화 우수기관 심사 위원(임기 2년, 2회 연임)
    2014.3 - 2017.4 경제사회발전노사정위원회 임금위원회 위원장 및 위원 (3년 연임)
    2016.1 - 2017.4 고용노동부 고용노동정책평가위원회, 예산집행심의회, 재정사업평가, 근로개선정책연구회, 노사문화대상 심사 위원
    2011.9 - 2015.8 고용보험위원회 공익위원
    2014.6 - 2014.12 경제사회발전노사정위원회 임금에 관한 노사정 공동 조사연구회 위원
    2014.8 - 2014.12 고용노동혁신 포럼위원, 고용노동부
    2013.1 - 2014.12 공무원 노사문화 우수행정기관선정 심사위원
    2013.4 - 2014.3 노사관계발전 및 일자리창출을 위한 지역 노사민정협의회, 자문위원, 고용노동부
    2013.5 - 2013.11 유엔글로벌콤팩트(UNGC) 가치대상 심사위원.
    2013.3 - 2013.5 아동친화경영 우수사례 선정 심사위원 (한겨레신문사, UNGC, 세이브더칠드런, 유니세프 공동 주관)
    2012.5 - 2015.4 고용노동부 고용노동정책평가위원
    2011.9 - 2014.8 중앙노동위원회 차별심판담당 공익위원
    2011.9 - 2013.9 고용노동부 고용보험위원회 공익위원
    2010.12 - 2012.12 고용노동부 노사관계발전위원회 위원
    2009.4 - 2012.12 노사협력정책 선진화 포럼 위원 (노동부 노사협력정책실)
    2010.8. - 2012.9 대통령직속 경제사회발전노사정위원회 노사관계비전포럼 전문가위원
    2010.8 노사발전재단, 노사관계파트너십 우수기업 심사위원
    2009.6 - 2010.6 근로시간임금제도개선위원회 분과위원장 (경제사회발전노사정위원회)
    2009.4 - 2009.12 작업장혁신 자문위원회 위원 (한국노동연구원 부설 고성과작업장혁신센터)
    2009.4 - 2009.6 2009년 공공기관장 경영계획서 이행실적 평가단 평가위원
    2008.8 - 2008.12 노사문화 우수기업 심사위원(노사발전재단)
    2008.11 사회공헌 우수논문 심사위원(한국사회복지협의회 사회공헌정보센터)
    2008.8 - 2008.12 노사문화 우수기업 심사위원
    2007.6 - 2010.6 서울지방노동위원회 차별시정담당 공익위원
    2007.5 - 2008.12 한국노동교육원 초빙교수
    2007.4 - 2008.3 경제사회발전노사정위원회 임금체계개선위원회 공익위원
    2007.4 - 2008.2 노사정위원회 임금체계개선위원회 공익위원
    2007.3 - 2007.7 정보통신부 정부산하기관 공동경영평가단 위원
    2007.1 - 2007.12 한국노동교육원 대외협력팀 자문위원
    2006.3 - 2007.2 사단법인 인사관리전문가협회 출판위원장
    2005.5 - 2006.12 KSHRM(한국인사관리전문가협회) HRProfessional 편집위원장
    2005.4 - 2005.12 대통령자문 지속가능발전위원회 전문위원
    2005.3 - 2005.6 기획예산처 공기업 경영평가단 평가위원
    2004.4 - 2005 한국자산관리공사 윤리경영 및 기업문화 자문위원
    2004.5 - 2010 함께하는 시민행동[시민단체] 좋은기업만들기 (운영위원장 및 전문위원)
  • 연구업적
    • 공공기관 임금체계 합리화 방안 - 사업체패널조사 분석을 중심으로, 한국노동연구원 (책임) ․
    • 새턴자동차공장 작업장 혁신의 성과와 시사점, 한국노동연구원 (책임) ․
    • 고용관계의 통합이론, 동국대학교 (책임) ․
    • 직무만족의 의미와 측정, 한국학술진흥재단 (책임)

    • 노사협의회 운영실태 조사 및 개선방안 연구, 노동부 (책임) ․
    • 원하청 도급관계에서의 노동법적 쟁점 및 과제, 노동부 (책임) ․
    • 평생학습조직 구축을 위한 평가보상제도 구축 매뉴얼 개발, 한국노동연구원 (책임) ․
    • 사회형평적 채용의 효과성 분석에 관한 연구, 한국지역난방공사 (공동)

    • 하이닉스 2차 윤리경영 심화과정 개발, 현대경제연구원 (책임) ․
    • 고용의 질에 대한 지표개발 및 평가, 한국노동연구원 (책임)

    • 산업별 조사혁신 방안 연구 - 산별교섭 전개와 노사관계 발전을 위한 정책연구, 산업연구원 (책임) ․
    • 집단적 노사관계와 노무관리, 산업연구원 (책임) ․
    • 데이콤 노경사례 개발, LG인화원 (책임) ․
    • 노사관계 DB 구축사업, 한국노동연구원 (공동) ․
    • 한국복합물류 주식회사 신인사시스템 구축, 한국복합물류 (책임)

    • 한국의 임금, 한국노동연구원 (책임) ․
    • 갈등관리 교육프로그램 개발 및 연구활성화 방안 연구, 정책기획위원회 (책임)
  • 연락처
  • E-mail
  • 교수연구실
    경영관 L424호
  • 최종 학력
    Ph.D., University of Memphis (Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management)
  • 세부 연구분야
    Organizational Behavior
  • 학사학위 과정
    BBA or BA: Dongguk University (Business Administration)
  • 석사학위 과정
    MS or MBA: University of Scranton (General Management)
  • 박사학위 과정
    Ph.D., University of Memphis (Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management)
  • 담당 과목
    Organizational Behavior
  • 경력
    • 2009~Present: Associate Professor, Dept. of Business Administration, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea
    • 2004~2009: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Business Administration, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea
    • 2003~2004: Assistant Professor, California Pol
  • 연구업적
    § Peer Reviewed Journal (Peer reviewed journal articles):


    Kim, S. (2010), Examination of the Effects of Perceived Accountability and Behavioral Norms on Performance Elements: What Would Make People Choose to Help Others or Themselves? DAEHAN Journal of Business. 23(4): 2005-2034

    Kim, S. (2009), Perceived Accountability and Job-Related Factors as Alternative Sources for Contextual Performance: What Can Managers Do More to Encourage Contextual Performance? Korean Management Review. 38(6): 1505-1543

    Kim, S.(2009), Cross-cultural Comparison of the Effects of the Discrepancy between the Prominence and the Fulfillment of Career-orientation on Organizational Effectiveness. International Business Review. 13(2): 89-117

    Kim, S.(2006), An empirical testing of a multi-route model on LMX – job satisfaction relationship. Korean Management Review. 35(6): 1649-1679

    Kim, S.(2005), Does the feeling of obligation for reciprocation really explain a LMX-performance relationship? Korean Management Review.34(5):1447-1476

    Kim, S.(2004), An application of five organization theories to Asian business groups: chaebol, keiretsu, & jituanqiyes. Research in Business Administration&Economics 24(1):41-80.Dongguk University Press

    Tu, H.,Sullivan, S. E., & Kim, S.(2002), Investment strategies of small and medium size firms in China. International Journal of Small Business.11(1)120-144

    Tu, H., Sullivan, S. E., Prien, K. O., & Kim, S. (2002). International job opportunities: Are managers willing and ready for the challenge? Global Business&Finance Review,7(2),87-98.
    Tu, H., Kim, S., & Sullivan, S. E. (2002). Global strategy lessons from Japanese and Korean business groups. Business Horizons,45(2),39-46.


    Kim, S. (2007), Cross-cultural comparison of the effects of the discrepancy between the prominence and the fulfillment of career-orientation on organizational effectiveness. The Spring Conference of Korean Academy of Management(Seoul,Korea)–OB/HR Track

    Kim, S. (2006), A HierarchicalIntra-structure Model of Performance Domains : Beyond the Contrast between Contextual Performance and Task Performance. The Spring Conference of Korean Academy of Management (Kwangju,Korea)–OB/HR Track

    Kim, S. (2005), Revisiting LMX–Job Satisfaction Relationship. The Fall Conference of Korean Academy of Management (Kwangju,Korea)–OB/HRTrack

    Kim, S. (2005), Empirical Collaboration of An Alleged Rationale of ALMX–Performance Relationship : Feeling of Obligation for Reciprocation. The Spring Conference of Korean Academy of Management (Seoul,Korea)–OB/HRTrack

    Kim, S. (2004), The Effect of Leader-Member Exchange(LMX) on Subordinate Performance : The Channeling Effects of Situational&Individual Factors. International Academy of Management&Business, LasVegas, NV

    Kim, S. & Van Scotter, J. (2004) What Can Managers Do More to Encourage Contextual Performance? Southern Academy of Management Association – OB/OT Track, SanAntonio, TX

    Kim, S. (2004). Does A Good Supervisor – Subordinate Relationship Lead to Good Performance? The Fall Conference of Korean Academy of Management (Seoul,Korea)–OB/HR Track

    Kim, SeungYong & Taylor, Robert (2003) Job Characteristics as Alternative Means of Developing A High Quality LMX Relationship. Southern Academy of Management Association – OB/OT Track, Clear water Beach, FL

    Tu, H., Sullivan, S. E., & Kim, S. (2003) Investment in China : A Challenge for U.S.Firms. Midwest Academy of Management Association–International Management Track, St. Louis, MO

    Rattanasampan, W., & Kim, S. (2002), A Frame work to Study Technology Use : Alternatives to Technology Acceptance Model. Americas Conference on Information Systems-Enterprise Systems Stream track. Dallas,TX.

    Kim, S. (2002), Understanding the concept of speed in Korean management Insymposium The advantages and disadvantages of "speed" : Aglobal managerial perspective. Midwest Academy of Management Association-Strategic Management and International Track. Indianapolis, IN.

    Kim, S., & Van Scotter, J. R. (2002), Influence of contextual performance and leader-member exchange(LMX) relationship songroup cohesion and group performance : A preliminary model. Midwest Academy of Management Association-OB/HR Track.Indianapolis, IN.

    Kim, S., & Taylor, R. R. (2001, April). A LMX model : Relating multi-level antecedents to the LMX relationship and citizenship behavior. MidwestAcademyofManagementAssociation–OB/OTTrack.Toledo,OH.
  • 연락처
  • E-mail
  • 교수연구실
    경영관 L422호
  • 최종 학력
    Ph.D., Stanford University (Business Administration, Political Economics)
  • 세부 연구분야
    Strategic Management
  • 학사학위 과정
    BS: Seoul National University (Mathematics, Education)
  • 석사학위 과정
    LLM: Northwestern University (Law) / MPP: Harvard University (Public Policy) / MPA: Seoul National University (Public Administration)
  • 박사학위 과정
    Ph.D., Stanford University (Business Administration, Political Economics)
  • 담당 과목
    Strategic Management
  • 경력
    • 2006 ~ Present: Assistant Professor, Dongguk Business School, Dongguk University (Teaching courses: Strategic Management, Business Ethics)
    • 2001 ~ 2003: Instructor, Korea University (Teaching courses: Internet and e-Business, Information Technology an
  • 연구업적
    A. [Learning & Pedagogical Research]

    § Chapters (Chapters in textbooks):

    Choi, G., 2002. "Information Technology and International Economy," Chapter 8 in Introduction to International Studies, Ewha Womans University.

    B. [Contribution to Practice]

    § Peer Reviewed Journal (Peer reviewed journal articles):

    Choi, G, 2010. "BSC 관점의 수출입물류정보화 정책평가"

    Choi, G, 2010. "The Growth Strategies of Technology-based Materials and Components Fifms"

    Choi, G, 2009. "Growth Strategy and Privatization of Chinese Airports: Implications for IIAC"

    Choi, G., 2003. "A Strategy for Enhancing Industrial Competitiveness through Information Technology," KIET Industrial Economic Review, No.4.

    Cho, B., G. Choi, and J. Park, 2002. "Economic Impacts of Information Technology Industry and Its Policy Implications," KIET Industrial Economy, 2002. 11.

    Lee, D. and G. Choi, 2001. "The IT Industry in Korea: A Perspective of the Experience of Rapid Growth," KIET Occasional Paper, No. 44.

    Choi, G., 2001. "IT in Korea: Leading the Way," KIET Industrial Economic Review, March-April.

    Jang, S., G. Choi, and S. Park, 2001. "Industrial Competitiveness and Competition Policy in the Era of Telecommunication Convergence," KIET Industrial Economy, 2001. 10.

    Choi, G., 2001. "Analysis of Regional Differences in New Economy of Korea," KIET Industrial Economy, 2001. 7.

    § Monograph [Applied (practice) monographs]:

    Choi, G., 1988. "Foreign Access to the Japanese Automobile Market: Corporate Strategy to Overcome Nontariff Barriers," Strategy report for Chrysler Corporation, Washington D.C.

    Choi, G., 1987. "Semiconductor Trade Conflict between the US and Japan: Implications for Korea Semiconductor Industry and Trade Policy," Strategy report for the Korean Embassy in the United States, Washington D.C.

    § Books [Professional (practice) books]:

    Choi, G., 2006. A Research on the Competitiveness in R&D and Technology Financing based on Value-chain-based Innovation System (VIS), Seoul Development Institute.

    Choi, G., 2006. The Policy Direction of Foreign Direct Investment in Seoul, Seoul Development Institute.

    Kim, S., and G. Choi, 2001. A Study of Competitive Factors in IT-Intensive Services: New Business Models in Service Economy, KIET Research Paper No.452. 2001. 12.

    § Chapters [Chapters in professional (trade) books]:

    Lee, Y., and G. Choi, 2003. "Legal Issues in Mobile Business," Enterprise Strategies to Enhance Mobile Business, Korea Institute for Electronic Commerce.

    § Peer Reviewed Paper Presentations (Peer reviewed presentations at professional meetings):

    Park, J., and G. Choi, 2005. "Ubiquitous Personalization," Digital II Conference. Seoul, Korea.

    Choi, G., 2005. "Opportunities and Entrepreneurial Growth in APEC: SMEs and Women," APEC Policy Seminar: Achieving Bogor Goals Towards One Community. Seoul, Korea.

    Lee, Y., and G. Choi, 2004. "Legal Issues in Mobile Business," KIEC Seminar: Enterprise Strategies to Enhance Mobile Business. Seoul, Korea.

    Choi, G., 2003. "Promotion of IT Industry in Korea through 2005 APEC," MOCIE-APEC Seminar: Seminar on APEC – IT & e-Business Alignment. Seoul, Korea.

    Choi, G., 2003. "Country Paper: Korea," Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Symposium on Social Dimensions of Productivity. New Delhi, India.

    Choi, G., 2003. "Government Projects on Informatization of Korean SMEs and Future Directions," MOCIE Policy Forum on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs). Seoul, Korea.

    Choi, G., 2003. "Knowledge-Based Service Industries as Next Generation Growth Drivers," KIET-MOCIE International Conference. Seoul, Korea.

    Choi, G., 2002. "Economic Impacts of Information Technology Industry and Its Policy Implications," KIET-SKT Seminar. Seoul, Korea.

    Choi, G., 2001. "New Economy & Gender," ASEM Seminar: Digital Opportunity. Tokyo, Japan.

    § Other (Reports of Funded Projects):

    Hwang, S., J. Park, I. Oh, G. Choi, and J. Chung, 2006. "Performance Evaluation of Investment in Informatization of Public Logistics Sector," Client: Korea Information Society Development Institute. (Korean)

    Lee, Y. and G. Choi, 2004. "Customer Protection in Mobile Commerce: Law and Regulation," Client: Fair Trade Commission. (Korean)

    Choi, G. (edited), 2004. "2005 APEC and IT-eBusiness in Korea," Client: Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy & Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. (Korean)

    Choi, G., 2004. "Evaluation on the Informatization Project of 30,000 SMEs," Client: Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy. (Korean)

    Choi, G., 2003. "Industrial Report on e-Business in the Project of the Next Generation Growth Engine," Client: Korea Institute of Industrial Technology Evaluation & Planning. (Korean)

    Choi, G., 2003. "Technology Report on Mobile Business in the Project of the Next Generation Growth Engine," Client: Korea Institute of Industrial Technology Evaluation & Planning. (Korean)

    Team Project (4 persons), 2003. "Policy Agenda on New Technology Industries," Client: Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy. (Korean)

    Team Project (4 persons), 2003. "Telecommunication Industries, Competition Policies and National Competitiveness," Client: SK Telecom (SKT). (Korean)

    Team Project (5 persons), 2003. "IT Vision in Korea and the National Competitiveness," Client: Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy. (Korean)

    Choi, G. and S. Cho, 2001. "Korea Leads the Way Toward Knowledge-Based Economy" ; Client: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

    Team Project (4 persons), 2001. "Trends in Korea Telecommunication Industry: Consolidation and Unbundling," Client: Korea Telecom. (Korean)

    Choi, G. and D. Lee, 2001. "IT in Korea: Lead the Way," Client: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

    Phang, S. and G. Choi, 2000. "A Study of Information Policy for Job Creation and Competitiveness," No. 99-02. Ministry of Information and Communication of Korea. (Korean)

    C. [Discipline-Based Scholarship]

    § Peer Reviewed Journal (Peer reviewed journal articles):

    {International Journal}

    G. Choi (2009), "Evaluation of Credit Guarantee Policy using propensity Score Matching"

    Oh, I, J. Lee, A. Heshmati, and G. Choi, 2009. "Evaluation of Credit Guarantee Policy Score Matching," Small Business Economics, Vol.33, No.3.

    Kang, J., A. Heshmati, and G. Choi (2008), "The Effects of Credit Guarantee on Survival and Performance of SMEs in Korea," Small Business Economics, Vol.31, No.4.

    {Domestic Journal}

    [In English]

    Choi, G. (2005), "Entrepreneurial Growth of SMEs and Women in APEC: Challenges and Achievements," Journal of APEC Studies, Vol.7, No.1.

    Lee, S. and G. Choi, 2002. "The Social Benefits and Costs of Entry Contest in Oligopoly: Cournot-Nash Oligopoly with a Linear Demand," Seoul Journal of Economics, Vol.15, No.4.
  • 연락처
  • E-mail
  • 교수연구실
    경영관 L407호
  • 최종 학력
    영국 런던대, King's College London 경영학과 인적자원관리 박사과정 수학
  • 세부 연구분야
    인사관리, 조직행동, 다양성관리, 인적자원개발
  • 학사학위 과정
    서울대, 경영학 학사
  • 석사학위 과정
    연세대, 경영학 박사(인사/조직/전략 전공) / 연세대, 경영학 석사(인사조직 전공)
  • 박사학위 과정
    영국 런던대, King's College London 경영학과 인적자원관리 박사과정 수학
  • 담당 과목
    인사관리, 조직행동, 다양성관리, 조직커뮤니케이션, 인적자원개발
  • 대표 저서
    □ 저서
    - 성과주의, 약인가 독인가(공저, 기업조직역량연구원, 2017)
    - 공정인사평가 모델(책임자, 고용노동부, 2016)
    - 사찰경영론 (공저, 동국대 출판부, 2015.4)
    - 정년 60세 시대 인사관리, 이렇게 준비하자(공저, 호두나무, 2014.2)
    - 초일류 삼성의 성공엔진(공저, 한울, 2013)
    - 주요 산업별 기업성장 패러다임 분석과 정책과제(공저, 2013, 산업연구원, 시장경제연구원)
    - 새로운 기업성장 패러다임과 신산업정책 방향 연구(공저, 2012, 산업연구원, 시장경제 연구원)
    - 기업의 장애친화성 진단표 개발을 위한 사전 연구 (공저, 2008, 한국장애인고용촉진공단 고용개발원)
    - 한국 기업의 다양성 친화형 인사(HR)제도 개발과 확산에 대한 연구: 여성인력 관리를 중심으로 (공저, 2007, 한국노동연구원 뉴패러다임 센터)
    - 노동시장 차별과 적극적 고용개선조치1 (공저, 2006, 한국노동연구원)
    - Park, H. J. and Sung, S. H.(2004), A New Perspective on Diversity and Group Dynamics in Asia, In K. Leung. and White, S. (Eds.), Handbook of Asian Management. Chap 17. Kluwer Academic Publishers: HK.

    □ 역서
    - 인적자원관리(공역, 한경사, 2018)
    - 조직행동론: 인간과 조직 관리 (공역, 한경사, 2017)
    - 핵심인재경영법 (2008, 공역, 웅진 리더스북스)
    - 경영혁명, 제로 스페이스 (2005, 공역, 푸른솔)
    - 리더십 사다리 (2004, 공역, 푸른솔)
    - 中國大戰 : 일본기업을 통해 배우는 대중국 진출전략 (2002, 공역, 푸른솔)
  • 대표 논문
    □ 주요 연구논문

    - 김동호, 성상현(2018), 강소기업에 대한 기존 연구성과와 향후 연구과제: 성장요인의 탐색을 중심으로, 중소기업연구, 40(3), 45-76. (KCI 등재지)

    - 정현천, 성상현(2018), 원효사상에 기반한 화쟁적 태도 측정도구 개발 연구, 조직과 인사관리연구, 42(3), 97-133. (KCI 등재지)

    - Na, D., Lim, J. S., & Sung, S.(2018), The impact of team diversity on role clarity: the mediating effects of interaction frequency, Productivity Review, 32(2), 133-155. (KCI 등재지)

    - 이중학, 강경용, 성상현(2018), 롯데의 여성친화조직 전환 노력: Ely & Thomas의 틀을 적용한 사례 분석, Korea Business Review, 22(2), 53-70. (KCI 등재지)

    - 엄혜경, 성상현(2018), 가족지원에 대한 상사 및 조직의 인식과 가족친화제도 간의 관계에 대한 연구, 여성연구, 96(1), 147-177. (KCI 등재지)

    - 엄혜경, 성상현(2017), 일-가정 갈등 그리고 가정-일 갈등이 기혼여성관리자의 주관적 경력성공에 미치는 영향: 일-가정 양립 제도의 조절효과를 중심으로, 여성연구, 93(2), 33-68. (KCI 등재지)

    - 최중석, 성상현(2017), 사회적기업 구성원의 직무열의가 조직성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구, 한국로고스경영학회, 15(2), 23-44. (KCI 등재지)

    - Sung, S., Lee, J. W., & Tae, W.(2017), The impact of team diversity on team outcomes in a Korean context: a case of a public enterprise, Productivity Review, 31(2), 165-192.(KCI 등재지)

    - 최중석, 성상현 (2016), 사회적기업가 역량 모델링 및 교육체계 수립에 관한 연구: 경영전략 AFI Framework를 중심으로. 한국협동조합연구, 34(2), 83-116. (KCI 등재지)

    - 김동호, 성상현 (2016), 비정규직 근로자의 직무적합성 지각이 직무태도에 미치는 영향과 선택자발성의 조절효과, 산업관계연구, 26(1), 51-74. (KCI 등재지)

    - 최중석, 성상현 (2015), 예비 창업자의 인구학적 특성과 창업성향 발달도 및 창업업종 선전에 관한 연구, 벤처창업연구, 10(5), 1-13. (KCI 등재지)

    - 최중석, 성상현 (2015), 사회적 협동조합의 국공립어린이집 위탁사업 추진방안 연구, 한국협동조합연구, 33(2), 55-77. (KCI 등재지)

    - Kim, H. D., Lee, J. L. & Sung, S., (2013), The effects of family-friendly practices and gender discrimination on job attitudes: The moderating role of supervisor support, The International Journal of Human Resource Management(SSCI 국제저명)

    - 이동진, 이영면, 성상현 (2013), 노동조합의 전략적 참여와 사업장내 노사협의회 활성화에 관한 실증연구, 조직과 인사관리연구, 37(2), 155-179.(KCI 등재지)

    - 성상현, 박희준, 안종태 (2013), 정년연장 시대의 저성과자 관리: 인적자원 정책에 기반한 관리방안 모색, 대한경영학회지, 26(12), 3257-3278.(KCI 등재지)

    - Diversity and team outcomes: Moderating role of PO fit and PJ fit (2012, Academy of Management Conference, Boston, Massachusetts)

    - 이종건, 김명희, 성상현 (2012), 다양성과 팀 성과: 팀 목표의존의 조절효과, 인사‧조직연구, 20(2), 247-280.(KCI 등재지)

    - 김현동, 성상현 (2011), 핵심인재관리제도가 직급별.산업별 여성인력 비중에 미치는 영향. 여성연구(KCI 등재지), 80(1), 5-35.(KCI 등재지)

    - 김명희, 성상현(2011), 성 다양성과 팀 성과 간의 관계에서 개인-조직 적합성, 개인-직무 적합성의 조절효과에 대한 연구, 한국인사조직학회 춘계학술대회

    - 성상현, 김대룡(2011), 다양성관리가 조직인력구성과 재무성과에 미치는 영향. 한국산학기술학회논문지, 12(1), 110-124.(KCI등재지)

    - 김현동, 성상현(2010), 중고령자임금근로자의 인적자원개발과 임금수준이 직무만족도에 미치는 영향과 연령의 조절효과. 직업능력개발연구, 13(1), 27-47.(KCI등재지)

    - 김명희, 성상현(2010), An experimental study on the effect of team’s communication pattern on relationship between gender diversity and team cooperation, 한국인사관리학회 국제학술대회

    - 성상현, 이종건(2009), 한국 기업의 성 다양성에 영향을 미치는 선행요인과 그 결과 에 대한 연구: 여성인력패널자료를 중심으로. 여성연구, 77(2), 81-107. (KCI 등재지)

    - 성상현, 이종건, 박헌준 (2007), 다양성이 프로젝트 팀 성과에 미치는 영향, 인사조직연구(KCI 등재지), 15(2). 39-70. (2008 인사·조직연구 최우수 논문상 수상)

    - 김향아, 성상현(2007), 기업의 다양성관리제도에 대한 한․영 비교. 사업체패널학술대회

    - 이지만, 성상현, 맹시안, 박헌준 (2007), Do Diversity Management Strategies Matter? Evidence from Korean Firms. 한국인사조직학회 춘계학술대회.

    - What Motivates Diversity Management in a Homogeneous Society? Evidence from Korean Companies (2007, Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 공저)

    - 고성과 HR과 다양성관리 및 조직성과 간의 관계 (2007, 한국노동연구원)

    - 박헌준, 이종건, 성상현 (2004), 프로젝트 팀의 학습이 팀 성과에 미치는 영향, 인사·조직연구, 12: 41-66. (KCI 등재지)

    - 한국 기업의 다양성에 대한 탐색적 연구: 다양성관리전략, HR제도, 다양성수용정도,

    성과 간의 관계(2005.2, 연세대 박사학위 논문)

    - Park, H. J. and Sung, S. H.(2004), A New Perspective on Diversity and Group
    Dynamics in Asia, In Kwok Leung and White, S. (Eds.), Handbook of Asian
    Management. Chap 17. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 459-474.

    - 박헌준, 이종건, 성상현 (2001), 디지털 시대의 e협상-협상매체에 따른 협상전략과 협상성과에 관한 비교연구, 경영학연구, 30(2), 583-622. (KCI 등재지)
  • 경력
    현, 동국대 기획부총장 (2023. 3. 1. ~ 현재)
    현, 동국대 경영학과 교수(인사조직 전공) (2006.9 ~ 현재)
    동국대 경영학부 인사조직 주임교수 겸 경영전문대학원(MBA) 리더십&HR 과정
    주임교수(PD) (2015.7 ~ 2017.7)
    동국대 경영평가실장(2011.2 ~ 2014.1)
    동국대 경영전문대학원(MBA) 부원장 (2009.1 ~ 2011.2)
    대한리더십학회 회장(2016.7 ~ 2017.7)
    한국인사조직학회 부회장(2017~)
    한국윤리경영학회 부회장
  • 연구업적
    □ 주요 연구 프로젝트 및 자문 수행 경력
    - 일가정양립 도입 모델 연구(2017, 공동연구자, 고용노동부)
    - 능력중심 인사평가 모델 구축 및 운영 연구(2016, 책임자, 고용노동부)
    - 직무능력과 성과 중심 인사 실천방안(2015, 책임자, 고용노동부)
    - 일하는 방식·문화 개선 실태 및 해외사례 연구(2014, 공동연구자, 고용노동부)
    - 여성과학기술인의 일‧가정 양립이 가능한 일자리 운영방안(2014, 책임자, 미래창조과학부/한국여성과학기술인지원센터)
    - 정년 60세 시대의 인사관리(2013, 공동연구자, 한국인사관리학회)
    - 주요 산업별 기업성장 패러다임 분석과 정책과제(2013, 공동연구자, KIET & MERI)
    - 고성장 기업의 조건과 신산업정책의 과제(2012, 공동연구자, KIET & MERI)
    - 노사협의회 운영실태 개선 및 발전 방안 연구(2011, 공동연구자, 노동부)
    - 일자리 창출 및 고용환경 개선에 기여하는 노사의 사회적 책임모형 개발 및 확산방안 연구(2010, 공동연구자, 노동부)
    - 노사파트너십 프로그램 지원사업 평가 및 제도개선 방안연구 (2009, 공동연구자, 노동부)
    - 한국지역난방공사 채용제도 효과성 분석 (2008, 책임자)
    - 삼성그룹 및 계열사 혁신 과제 다수 수행
    - 삼성경제연구소, 삼성그룹 자문교수
    - 호남솔로몬저축은행 사외이사
  • 연락처
  • E-mail
  • 교수연구실
    경영관 L429호
  • 최종 학력
    Ph.D. in Labor and Human Resources, The Ohio State University
  • 세부 연구분야
  • 학사학위 과정
    BBA or BA: Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
  • 석사학위 과정
    MS in Human Resources and Employment Relations: Michigan State University
  • 박사학위 과정
    Ph.D. in Labor and Human Resources, The Ohio State University
  • 담당 과목
  • 경력
    • 2006 ~ Present: Professor, Dongguk Business School (Teaching courses: Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Business Ethics, Macro Organizational Behavior)
    • 2004 ~ 2006: Instructor, The Ohio State University (Teaching Courses: Business S
  • 연구업적
    B. [Contribution to Practice]

    § Professional / Trade Journal (Articles in professional/trade journals):

    1) Kim, H(2011 "Approach to innovation of job rank system: job analysis vs. competency model" KEF Compensation Quarterly, Vol. 19, No 2, pp. 42-52

    2) Kim, H(2011)"Why smart leadership fail?" The magazine of human resources management, No 1, pp. 19

    3) Kim, H.(2007), "Gainsharing program and its impact on organizational learning". HR Professionals, No 19, pp. 36-39.

    C. [Discipline-Based Scholarship]

    § Peer Reviewed Journal (Peer reviewed journal articles):

    1) Kim, H, & Shin, E.(2011), " Labor union participation and workplace innovations in high performance workplaces ". Quarterly Journal of Labor Policy, Vol. 11, No 3, pp. 5-35.

    2) Kim, H, & Sung, S.(2011), " The exploration on the effect of core employee management system on gender diversity – job positions & industry memberships- ". The Women's Studies, Vol. 80, No 1, pp. 5-35.

    3) Kim, H., & Kim, D-R.(2010), " The labor union & its effects on human resource development program ". Korean Journal of Vocational Education and Training, Vol. 13, No 3, pp. 27-49.

    4) Kim, H, & Lee, D.(2010), " Strategic involvement of employee representative & employee involvement practices ". Quarterly Journal of Labor Policy, Vol. 10, No 4, pp. 153-179.

    5) Kim, H., (2010), "Exploring how to manage Internet addiction in college life". The Journal of Korean Education, Vol. 37, No 1, pp.185-205.

    6) Kim, H., & Sung, S.(2010), " The influence of HRD, pay level, and usefulness of job skills on the job satisfaction of old salaried workers and the interaction effects of age ". Korean Journal of Vocational Education and Training, Vol. 13, No 1, pp. 27-47.

    7) Wang, M., Tony, T., Kim, H., & Chen, Y.(2009), " Expatriate Utilization, Knowledge Transfer, and Firm Performance ". Journal of Management, Vol. 35, No 5, pp. 1181-1206.

    8) Kim, H., & Gong, Y.(2009), "The roles of tacit knowledge and OCB in the relationship between group-based pay and firm performance". Human Resource Management Journal, Vol. 19, No 2, pp. 120-139.

    9) Kim, H., & Song, B.(2009), "The exploration on the impact of executing core employment policy and system on firm competitiveness". Korean Journal of Vocational Education and Training, Vol. 12, No 1, pp. 75-93.

    10) Kim, H.(2008), "The effect of job-based system on job transfer of workers: the moderating role of human resource development program". Korean Journal of Vocational Education and Training, Vol. 11, No 1, pp. 191-212.

    11) Kim, H., & Gong, Y.(2007), "The exploration on the effect of compensation program on firm's performance: Mediating role of human capital ". The Korean Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 32, No 1, pp. 27-45.

    § Peer Reviewed Paper Presentations (Peer reviewed presentations at academic meetings):

    1) Kim, H(2011) Women college students and job satisfaction – moderating roles of job search behaviors-, Paper presented at the Korea Graduates Occupational Mobility Survey & Occupational Employment Statistics Youth Panel Study, Seoul, Korea

    2) Kim, H(2011) Analysis on job search behavior in accordance with admission type, Paper presented at Korean Academy of Management Meeting, Seoul, Korea

    3) Kim, H(2011) The use of Internet and Parent Relationship its related Internet addiction, Paper presented at the Korean Educational Psychological Association Study, Daegue, Korea

    4) Kim, H(2010) Labor union's participation in innovation program and its effects on learning outcomes –suggestion program-, Paper presented at the Korea Academic Society of Business Administration Study, Seoul, Korea

    5) Kim, H(2010) The effects of university students' Internet use and parent relationship on its university life: equity concept, Paper presented at the Korea Education & Employment Panel Study, Seoul, Korea

    6) Kim, H(2010) Older workers social capital, depression, and job satisfaction, Paper presented at the Korea Longitudinal Study of Aging, Seoul, Korea

    7) Kim, H.(2010) Strategic involvement of HR department and its effects on innovation program, Paper presented at the Workplace Panel Survey, Seoul, Korea

    8) Kim, H(2009) The importance of careers in the psychological states of partially retired workers, Paper presented at the Korean Retirement and Income Study, Seoul, Korea

    9) Kim, H(2009) The Impact of team empowerment on production & operation team Paper presented at the Korean Academy of Management Meeting, Seoul, Korea

    10) Kim, H(2009) Examination of way to deal with Internet addiction of college students, Korea Education and Employment Panel Korea, Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Seoul, Korea

    11) Kim, H(2008) Exploratory study on gaps in perceptions of employment relationship between labor union officials and employers, Paper presented at the Korean Association of Personnel Administration, Seoul, Korea

    12) Kim, H(2008) Change in temporary workforce in the face of dynamic business environment, Paper presented at the Labor & Workplace Panel Meeting, Korea Labor Institute, Seoul,Korea.

    13) Kim, H(2008) Core employment policy and firm performance, Human Capital Corporate Panel, Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training

    14) Kim, H., & Kang, S.C.(2009) The strategic involvement of human resource department and firm performance Paper presented at the Academy of Management Meeting, Anaheim, CA.

    15) Kim, H(2008) Exploration on job satisfaction of older workers Paper presented at the Korean Academy of Management Meeting, Seoul, Korea

    16) Kim, H(2007) The strategic involvement of human resource department on firm Performance Paper presented at the Labor & Workplace Panel Meeting, Korea Labor Institute, Seoul, Korea.

    17) Kim H., & Gong, Y.(2007) How does group-based pay affect firm performance? Social identity perspective Paper presented at the Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, PA

    18) Wang, M., & Kim, H. (2007) Expatriate utilization, knowledge transfer, and firm performance Paper presented at the Academy of International Business Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.

    19) Kim, H(2006) The importance of human capital in design and management of compensation system, Paper presented at the Korean Association of Personnel Administration, Seoul, Korea
  • 연락처
  • E-mail
  • 교수연구실
    경영관 L418
  • 최종 학력
    Ph.D., 서울대학교 경영대학 경영학과 (인사조직전공) (2009-2015)
  • 세부 연구분야
    Innovation, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, HRM, HR Analytics, and Methodology
  • 학사학위 과정
    BA: 연세대학교 공과대학 기계공학과 (1992-1999)
  • 석사학위 과정
    MS: Human Resources and Industrial Relations (HRIR), Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (Minneapolis), MN, US (2006-2008)
  • 박사학위 과정
    Ph.D., 서울대학교 경영대학 경영학과 (인사조직전공) (2009-2015)
  • 담당 과목
    조직행위론, 인적자원관리, 리더십
  • 경력
    • 동국대학교 경영대학/경영전문대학원 부학장(2023. 3. ~현재)
    • 동국대학교 캠퍼스타운산업단 지역상생센터장 (2023. 3. ~현재)
    • 광운대학교 경영대학 경영학부 조교수 (2015-2019)
    • LG CNS Hi-Tech사업본부 솔루션지원부문 PO팀 (2000-2005)
    • 현대건설주식회사 플랜트사업본부 원자력사업부 영광원자력 5&6호기 신축공사 (1999-2000)
    • 서울대학교, 상명대학교, 차의과대학MBA 외래강사
  • 연구업적
    * SSCI:(* Corresponding author)

    • Lee, S., & Chung, G. H.* (2020). Cultural entrepreneurship: Between-organization cultural isomorphism and within-organization culture shaping. Sage Open, 10(3): 1-12.

    • Pak, J., Li, L. Z., & Chung, G. H.* (2019). A holistic approach to individual-level innovation implementation. Innovation: Organization & Management.

    • Choi, S. Y., Chung, G. H., & Choi, J. N. (2019). Why are we having this innovation? Employee attributions of innovation and implementation behavior. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 47: 1-13.

    • Chung, G. H, & Choi, J. N. (2018). Innovation implementation as a dynamic equilibrium: Emergent processes and divergent outcomes. Group and Organization Management, 43: 999-1036.

    • Chung, G. H, Choi, J. N., & Du, J. (2017). Tired of innovations? Learned helplessness and fatigue in the context of continuous streams of innovation implementation. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38: 1130-1148.

    • Kim, J. S., & Chung, G. H.* (2017). Implementing innovations within organizations: A systematic review and research agenda. Innovation: Organization & Management, 19: 372-399.

    • Chung, G. H., Du, J., & Choi, J. N. (2014). How do employees adapt to organizational change driven by cross-border M&As? A case in China. Journal of World Business, 49: 78-86.

    * KCI:(* Corresponding author)

    • Kim, J., & Chung G. H. (2019). The relationship between management's emphasis on human resources and innovation: The moderating effect of owner-/manager-managed structure. Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 32(3): 363-388.

    • Chung, G. H., & Lee, B. (2017). How to improve global entrepreneurship trend report (GETR): Verifying sub-dimensions of entrepreneurship and examining effects of entrepreneurship environment index (EEI). Journal of the Korean Entrepreneurship Society, 12(3): 172-195.

    • Pak, J., Li, L. Z., & Chung, G. H.* (2016). The effects of person-innovation fit on individual resistance, in-role, and extra-role behavior toward innovation. Enture Journal of Information Technology, 15:63-74.

    • Pak, J., Li, L. Z., & Chung, G. H.* (2016). The effects of person-innovation fit on individual resistance, in-role, and extra-role behavior toward innovation. Enture Journal of Information Technology, 15:63-74.

    • Choi, J. N., Chung G. H.*, Sung, S. Y., Butt, A. N., Soliman, M., & Chang, J. W. (2015). Does emotional intelligence matter in interpersonal processes? The mediating role of emotion management. Seoul Journal of Business, 21: 45-70.

    • Pak, J., & Chung, G. H.* (2015). Barriers to innovation implementation: A case study of carry-over effects of the previous innovation. Enture Journal of Information Technology, 14: 121-133.

    * Book:

    • Pak, J., Chung, G. H., Kim, S., & Choi, J. N. (2016). Sources and consequences of HRM gap: The Korean experience. Charleston, SC: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. ISBN: 978-1533604538.

    • 김정식 & 정구혁. (2020). 쓰러지지 않는 기업의 조직 탄력성. mPound. ISBN: 978-1533604538.

    * Business Cases:

    • Chung, G. H., & Choi, J. N. (2015). Swing a golf club or an organization? A case of external corporate venture. Journal of Management Case Research (Vol 48 & 49: pp. 39-49). Seoul, South Korea: The Institute of Management Research Seoul National University.

    • Hwang, S. B., Kim H. D., Kim, J., Lee, J. H., Lee, S. H., Seo, H. I., Chung, G. H., & Choi, J. N. (Not Published). Managing a Joint Project Team: Samsung SDS Case.

    • Tu, Y. D., Du, J., Chung, G. H., & Choi, J. N. (2012). A cross-border M&A in China. In A Series of Business Cases by SNU Management Research Institute (Vol 23: pp. 119-140). Seoul, South Korea: WooDeumJi. ISBN: 978-89-91292-92-5.

    • Chung, G. H., Yang, Y., & Choi, J. N. (2010). Organizational innovation at LG CNS. In A Series of Business Cases by SNU Management Research Institute (Vol 13: pp. 39-55). Seoul, South Korea: WooDeumJi. ISBN: 978-89-91292-55-0.

    * Awards:

    • 2018 Outstanding Paper, Group & Organization Management (GOM), Sage Publications.

    • 2018 Research Award, College of Business, Kwangwoon University.